


Threshold Knowledge is a new era in multidisciplinary consulting and training, with experts in Management & Leadership, and Technology Leadership in Business Critical Systems.

Your organization and your needs are different and demand customized solutions.

All of Threshold Knowledge’s offerings are built according to your organization’s needs & goals, and developed after thorough consultation with you and grounded in industry best practices. We’re not your traditional consultants, we’ll help you identify the root of the problem, develop a winning strategy and work with you through the execution.

The majority of today’s technology and operational problems are not technology related. They’re leadership and communications problems. The first line of defense is trained and capable leaders working with good teams.

Whether you need to asses your current capability or train up new leaders, we have your answers.

When your issues are technical, our expertise with Business Critical systems can help you build a reliable platform to run your business without interruption. Our experts can take your Oracle, SAP, Exchange and SharePoint projects and set you on the path to success. Whether it’s a design or design review, environment review, disaster recovery and business continuity or just helping with troubled projects, our team of experts can get you on the right track.

Whether your focus is on the People, the Process or the Technology, let us lead positive change in your organization.